Monday, June 23, 2008

Final Course Reflection

This course has taught me a lot about new technologies that are available for me to use with my class. I like to learn by doing, so the hands-on use of a variety of digital tools was definitely my favorite part of this course. Learning in this fashion allowed me to see the struggles and successes that will happen in the classroom when employing these technologies. I would like to talk to many of my colleagues about incorporating some of these tools in their classrooms. I think by using these tools students would not be able to easily say "I hate school because its boring".

I thought the culminating project of the week, although a little overwhelming, allowed me to really get a feel of how some of these technologies could be used in a school setting. By using these tools in school we are going to help students to achieve at the highest level and broaden their horizons.

Friday, June 20, 2008

In my Lego Robotics class we have a final project in which they have to design and program a sumo robot. The students could explain the design steps they went through using voicethread. Other students could then respond to their project with critiques which could provide the student with feedback. This feedback could allow the students to improve the robotic design or robotic software.

21classes seems like a good way to teach students blogging. However, I don't think many administrators are ready to let students to blog in a school setting. I think it could be an excellent way for students to share ideas in a safe online environment.

I think this last reflection is a great way to reflect on the entire week as a whole. I would like to be able to go back to my school and convince my staff how important this new technology is and that is not adding to their work, but enhancing their work.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday Tech

As with the entire week we had a lot of information today. I was really engaged with iMovies today. I can see where this would be a highly motivating activity for all students. I get tired of seeing the same tired projects assigned to students in my building year after year. I think many of these assignments could be changed into video projects or podcasts. It would allow teachers an opportunity to learn about these technologies, but more importantly, it would motivate students to achieve at a higher level by incorporating technologies with which they are interested.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What a Great Day!

Today was an all around great day for me. I was really having fun learning today. Part of the reason for this is something that Dr. Zeitz said today. He said that we cannot be current on all new technology. Technology is basically changing way too fast. We need to focus those technologies we feel we will use and with which we will be the most productive.

Podcasting is the greatest. I would like to incorporate this somehow into my audio broadcasting module. I think my students would really enjoy it. Using garageband to create the podcasts was awesome. I really like this software because it is really intuitive to use. You can find your way around this software quite reqdily.

As far as voicethreading, I thought my colleagues did an excellent job introducing the class to this application. Mr. Vrotny only increased my interest in this technology. Unfortunately, I don't have the time for my students to use this software. However, I will try to find a place for this in my class in the very near future. And, I am going to introduce this technology to my colleagues at work. I can see this as being a valuable storytelling device and/or a unique way to deliver researched material. It also includes a wonderful way for all students to provide feedback.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Better Days Ahead!

Today was a much better day for me. I was able to take more stuff in. I am extremely excited about Skype after we had our session this morning. I agree with Dr. Zeitz that this will make our classrooms more global. Students can interact with experts from around the world. I could see incorporating this into my industrial tech. class. For example, during my rocketry and space module I could talk to NASA experts on the field of rocket science.

I was also intrigued with Steve Hargadon this morning. I really liked his idea about becoming a lead expert on a specific topic and how students could do this using Ning. I don't know if I could use this in my class, but I would like to introduce this technology to my colleagues. I think it would be a great way for students in specific classes to share writings, ideas, and/or collaborate on projects.

It will be harder to convince me of the importance of 2nd Life. I agree it is a kick and I think students might be initially motivated at the prospect of using it, but I could also see students abusing it. I am such a pessimist! Here is a video I found about the educational use of 2nd Life.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I feel a little overwhelmed by all of this new technology. I am wondering if I made a mistake going for my Master's Degree in Instructional Technology. I don't get blogging, twittering, ning... To me, it seems like variations of the same thing. Maybe it will get better for me as the week progresses. I just really did not know what to expect the first day!

I am excited about Google Docs. I will definitely use this tool when I create my class website.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Not much going on here. Just clean up from this past weekend's destruction. Most of the tree has been removed. We are just waiting for the "tree guy" to come with his chipper to remove the smaller branches. And let me tell you, there are a ton of smaller branches. The other major concern this week is the repair of the garage. A contractor said it would cost between 4 and 5 thousand dollars to fix the damage. My insurance company does not seem too receptive to that amount. Hopefully, I will hear something soon so we can get the repairs done and we put this mess behind us!